Qurban Facts

Performing Qurban for family members

1. Can I perform Qurban for my child while his Aqiqah has not been performed yet?  The child is the responsibility of the parents which include the responsibility of ...
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When should the Qurban be performed and the kinds of sacrificial animals

1. What are the times allowed to slaughter an animal for Qurban?  The allowable period for the performance of Qurban begins when the Khatib (Iman) leaves the pulpit after ...
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The different types of Qurban

1. What are the different types of Qurban?  There are two types: 1)SUNNAHMUAKKADAH 2)WAJIB(OBLIGATORY)The first is the prescribed Qurban that is to be performed on the Eidul Adha or the three days ...
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Ibadah Qurban in Islam

1. What is the Hukum of the Ibadah Qurban?  Qurban, Korban or Udhiyah is a religious act that entails the sacrifice of approved animals on the 10, 11, 12 and 13 Zulhijjah of ...
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