Performing Qurban for family members

1. Can I perform Qurban for my child while his Aqiqah has not been performed yet? 

The child is the responsibility of the parents which include the responsibility of performing the Qurban and the Aqiqah for the child especially so for parents who have the financial means. If one has the intention to perform Qurban for the child then perform it but one must also bear in mind that performing Aqiqah is a personal injunction for a child that need to be performed by the parents as early as 7 days from the date of birth. (Mugniyul muhatj4:338)

2. Which should be performed first for a child – Qurban or Aqiqah? 

Definitely Aqiqah should be performed first. Firstly, performing Aqiqah is a personal injunction for a child that needs to be performed by the parents as early as 7 days from the date of birth. Secondly, the responsibility of performing the Qurban is fulfilled for the whole family if the head of the family performed it – there is no need to perform Qurban specifically for the child unless it is Qurban Nazar of course. If Aqiqah has been performed and the parents can afford it, then Qurban for each member of the family can be performed by the head of the FAMILY. (Mugniyulmuhtaj 4:338)

3. Can I perform Qurban for my parents who have died? 

The prayers and deeds of a pious child for his parents are accepted by Allah s.w.t – whether the parents are already dead or are still alive. And let the child pray that the sacrifice in the form of sadaqah he performed for his parents is accepted by Allah and the good deeds that flow will be a blessing for his parents in the Day of Judgment.

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