Appointing someone else to perform one’s urban

1. Should a person personally slaughter his own sacrificial animal for Qurban? 

It is virtuous (Sunnah) if one can slaughter his own sacrificial animal for Qurban but it is permissible for him to ask someone else to do this duty. As narrated by Ahmad and Muslim, “The Prophet Shallallahu‘Alaihi Wa Sallam performed Qurban on 100 camels: 63 of which he slaughtered personally and 37 others he gave Ali ibni Abi Talib Radiallaahu Anhu to complete it.” (Mugniyul Muhtaj4:327)

2. Can a person appoint somebody else to perform his Qurban at a distant location? 

It is a common practice to appoint somebody else to perform one’s Qurban – it can be the committee of the local mosque, a local goat or cattle rearing business or relevant authorities as being the case in Makkah when huge number of sheep were slaughtered for the pilgrims. This is allowable so as to allow more muslims to participate in this ibadah. (Mugniyul muhtaj 4:327)

3. Can a person appoint somebody else to slaughter his Qurban livestock? 

It is virtuous to slaughter one’s own Qurban as its the way Prophet did it. However for those unable to perform it, then it is permissible to appoint somebody else to do it. It is better to appoint a Muslim who can fulfill this act according to the prescribed method. And also preferable to be present at the time of Qurban. (Mugniyul muhtaj 4:327)

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