Eating the meat of the sacrificial animal

1. Can a person eat the meat of his own sacrificial animal for Qurban Nazar? 

If the Qurban performed is a consequence of a nazar ( i.e a promise made to God ) then it is not allowable for that person to partake the meat of the Qurban. All the meat has to be distributed to the poor and needy. (Mugniyul muhtaj 4:335)

2. Can we eat the meat of our own sacrificial animal for Qurban?

A portion of the meat can be eaten by those who performed the Qurban. Ibnu Abbas when elaborating the ways of the Prophet with regard to Qurban, said: “The Prophet gave a third to his own family, a third to his neighbours and a third to those who asks.” (Mugniyul muhtaj4:335

3.There is a view that we should eat a portion of the meat of the Qurban animal, can we decide to distribute all of the meat? 

The sunnah is a third of the meat is for the household who perform the Qurban, a third for the neighbour and friends and the final third for the needy and poor. But then there is a Hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Salim r.a : “Let not one of you keeps the meat of the Qurban for more than 3 days.” More than 3 days of meat supply indicate that the portion of the household cannot be to such an extent that the need of the poor has not been addressed adequately. IT IS VIRTOUS FOR ON TO DISTRIBUTE ALL THE MEAT EXCEPT FOR A MORSEL. AND TAKE BLEESINGS FROM HAVING IT. THIS IS ACTING UPON THE QURAN AYAH, AND THE PRACTICE OF THE COMPANIONS. (Mugniyul muhtaj4:335)

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