Qurban Mubarak Australia 2018

This is Qurban Mubarak Australia 2018 performed by Al Falah Academy Singapore.

The Qurban was done in Australia in abattoir by Muslims and the meat was air-flown to Singapore, Alhamdulilah AFASG was able to deliver the meat fresh to all its participants house within the 2 days after it was flown in to Singapore where its was kept in a cold room to preserve its freshness. Many Jemaah were happy to receive and eat their Qurban meat.

The contributed meat by our Jemaah was then given to the poor and needy at two separate events, one was at Darul Arqam called “Meat On Wheels” event where many kind volunteers came forward with their vehicles to deliver the meat to underprivileged families in Singapore.

Another event was at Pertapis where the meat was contributed to the poor and needy. Many of them benefitted from eating the blessed Qurban meat which they were unable to afford.

Please do support us in this good effort to feed many and to reach out to the needy. Our heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported and helped out for this great cause, May Almighty Allah reward them all. Ameen

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